Vitamin K can change the balance of warfarin treatment – Now is the season to monitor INR levels very carefully
Blood coagulation and its regulation are complex processes. One of the most frequently used method to regulate coagulation and avoid unwanted thrombosis is medicines containing warfarin. Warfarin decreases blood tendency to form a clot by preventing function and creation of vitamin K dependent coagulation factors. Anticoagulation treatment with warfarin is monitored with regular INR measurements and adjusted to maintain correct treatment level of the patient.
Summer brings fresh vegetables to season. A change in the amount of fresh vegetables in a diet can lead to a need of adjusting warfarin dosage. Since the effect of warfarin comes from countering vitamin K, a change in eating of vitamin K containing food can change the balance of warfarin treatment. Now is the season to monitor INR levels very carefully.

Aidian is distributing iLine Microsystems products for INR measurement in the Nordic countries and offers a good portfolio for different needs from home testing to professional use. For more information and price quotes, head to the iLine microINR product site or contact us.
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