Urinary tract infections: what are the burning issues?
The concern about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has finally forced the spotlight onto urinary tract infection (UTI) which affects approximately 50% of women at some point of their lives. UTI causes significant physical, psychological and economic burden, and is the leading source of bacterial bloodstream infections.
UTI seems to be a condition where many patients who won’t benefit from antibiotics get them, and many patients who would benefit from antibiotics, don’t get them, which may lead to both antimicrobial resistance and patient suffering. Dr Annie Joseph, Consultant Microbiologist at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, is discussing about an interesting topic of how to improve the diagnosing of UTI. Dr Joseph states that for moving the patient care forward, it is beneficial to question embedded clinical practice, evaluate new evidence, and to hear patients’ experiences. It is also important to ensure the diagnostic technology will meet both the clinical needs of patients and the wider societal need to support appropriate antibiotic use.
See the upcoming webinars and read the whole article by Dr Joseph:
UTIs: What are the burning issues? - The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (bsac.org.uk)
Read more about Uricult culture tests which are intended for diagnosing UTI:
Uricult tests for urinary tract infection testing | Aidian