New QuikRead go Instrument software version 8.1.1 has been released for QuikRead go®. Main new features include: Possibility to start usi...
QuikRead go testivalikoima laajenee HbA1c -testillä. QuikRead go HbA1c on IFCC-sertifioitu ja helppokäyttöinen vieritesti glykoituneen hemog...

Stay tuned! We would like to share exciting updates of ongoing research using QuikRead go in various studies in different parts of the world...

The blue coloured CRP controls offer you: Three CRP levels to choose fromOne range and target in the labellingDirect and easy sampling with...
Although there are very limited available research data, currently spreading novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) seems to increase C-reactive prot...

With its high negative predictive value and sensitivity, QuikRead go iFOBT has been proven to be a useful tool in evaluation for the need an...