The Head of Assay Development & IPR Mirko Brummer attended the Prinse’20 Industry Seminar on Printed Intelligence January 29-30, 2020 in Oul...
Juho Himberg kertoo asiasta lisää Kauppalehden haastattelussa.
Toimitusjohtaja Juho Himberg kertoo, kuinka QuikRead go CRP -testit tukevat Kiinan koronaviruksen esidiagnostiikassa ja mitä logistisia haaa...
The use of oral antibiotics is linked to an increased colon cancer risk but a reduced risk of cancer in rectum, a large matched case-control...
Although there are very limited available research data, currently spreading novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) seems to increase C-reactive prot...
Lue toimitusjohtaja Juho Himbergin haastattelu, jossa hän kertoo uudesta Aidianista ja meidän tärkeästä missiosta tukea antimikrobiresistens...
With its high negative predictive value and sensitivity, QuikRead go iFOBT has been proven to be a useful tool in evaluation for the need an...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a critically important challenge for the health of children globally. According to UNICEF’s technical note...