Aidian’s QuikRead go Instrument and CRP tests are in use on the front line of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China. Qu...

We invite you to meet the heart of Aidian, our personnel. In this storyline you will meet the different people behind varying positions in t...
Situation update and how CRP is used C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the key markers needed to diagnose and follow up the treatment of t...
The Head of Assay Development & IPR Mirko Brummer attended the Prinse’20 Industry Seminar on Printed Intelligence January 29-30, 2020 in Oul...
Juho Himberg kertoo asiasta lisää Kauppalehden haastattelussa.
Toimitusjohtaja Juho Himberg kertoo, kuinka QuikRead go CRP -testit tukevat Kiinan koronaviruksen esidiagnostiikassa ja mitä logistisia haaa...
The use of oral antibiotics is linked to an increased colon cancer risk but a reduced risk of cancer in rectum, a large matched case-control...
Although there are very limited available research data, currently spreading novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) seems to increase C-reactive prot...